Customer service desk

The KilifiMariakani Water and Sewerage Company (KIMAWASCO) aims to provide consistent service excellence whenever customers make contact with the company. This aim incorporates the company’s commitment to ensuring the human rights principles aimed at transforming public service, and ‘getting it right the first time’. High quality customer service is our number one priority. Our Customer Service Representatives provide professional, courteous service in a consistent effort to achieve overall customer satisfaction.

Office Hours

  • Sunday Closed
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday Closed

Frequently Asked Questions

Bills are usually sent within the month via SMS and at the end of the month via email. You are advised to register both your phone number and email account with us to receive your monthly water bills.


This could be because the account is still register under a different phone details.

To receive bills direct to your phone; a customer needs to register the account under their name.

There are various reasons that may result to high bills;

Leakage after the meter or within the household
Inaccessibility due to gate and chamber locks
Increased consumption within the households
Tank overflows
Faulty meter subject to meter test.


NOTE: always use your account number as reference for all your payments. Our agents are not authorized to pick cash from any customer.

Customer Service Champions

We cater for all our customer needs in line with the Customer Service Charter set out to ensure our commitment to the customer and to highlight the customers’ obligations to the Company.

The company aims to emphasize the message that its customers are all the people it deals with in the performing of its work. These include the people who live, work and play in the greater KIMAWASCO area as well as everyone the company does business with. In this sense there are external and internal customers, and the same standards must apply when working with colleagues (internal customers) than with people outside the organization.

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